Those That
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Q798: Does anyone know of any veterans who had any success at gaining VA compensation for the long term effects of emotional and psychological abuse while in service? I served in the Army for 21 years and during my time in uniform I was constantly isolated from the group. My superiors would put me in offices away from everyone else. When other soldiers got going away parties when they got orders, all I ever got was a kick in the a**. One sergeant told me, “You are the guy we love to hate.” Not sure why any of the guys felt that way about me because I never caused any trouble. I was obedient when I served. But, I would get passed over for promotions, special assignments, recognition, etc. 21 years of being beaten down by my superiors has had a major effect on me. No civilian employer wants to hire me and I think I know why. I have no confidence, no self-worth, no belief in my ability to be liked by others and I think they see that in me. Please give me your thoughts and advice.

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A1: You might be better off seeing a counselor at one of the Vet Centers in your area. If you can't make it, they will come to you. I live in a rural area and a Vet Center counselor would meet me at the American Legion hall. Give them a call. (MK) 12/6/21
A2: I wouldn't say you are a loser, or you wouldn't have been able to spend 21 years in the military. If you have a diagnosed mental disorder that you feel may be related to your military service, then file a claim for whatever your diagnosis happens to be. Seek the assistance of an accredited VSO. The VA can schedule you a C&P exam to determine if they feel your mental diagnosis is related to your service. We all endured tough times in the service, and some were affected more than others. Some recovered and some not. At any rate, I would seek some professional help through your VA healthcare provider. (DS) 12/6/21
A3: What I would do is file a claim for depression as a result of this treatment in the service. Yours is not the first time I have have heard this and done a few claims for this disability and won. (GR) 12/29/21