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VA Compensation Course 101
VA Compensation Course 101
by USVCP Staff Educators
Welcome to the course on Disability Benefits Questionnaire, Fully Developed Claims, and Pillars of Evidence. This quick course is for educational purposes only, and is not disability claims advice. USVCP is not knowingly endorsed, recommended or compensated by any branch of the Federal or state governments in providing this free information to you. All information was developed by our Educational Staff for USVCP members and those who support the mission of USVCP. At the completion of this course each participant will have the opportunity to test their knowledge by taking an end of course exam.
Instructor: USVCP Staff Educators
Syllabus: Disability Benefits Questionnaires
Pillars of Evidence
Fully Developed Claim
Disability Benefits Questionnaires
With Disability Benefits Questionnaires (DBQ), veterans now have more control over the disability claims process. Veterans now have the option of visiting a private healthcare provider instead of a VA primary care provider to complete their disability evaluation. Additionally, the DBQ is advantageous for the veteran because it allows the veteran to seek important health information from a healthcare provider who will advocate and help the veteran in his/her pursuit of disability benefits.
DBQs are standardized medical documents approved by the Veterans Benefits Administration (VBA) that are currently used by Veterans Healthcare Administration (VHA) disability examiners to record diseases and illnesses for Veterans’ compensation disability benefit claims. DBQs can also be used by VHA primary care/specialty care providers, as well as private sector physicians, as a standardized format for communication of medical evidence as part of the Veteran’s claim for VA disability benefits. VHA supports the completion of DBQs by treating providers and encourages a “no wrong door” philosophy to assist our Veterans.
DBQs also help support VA’s Fully Developed Claims (FDC) Program. DBQs are valuable for claims processing because they provide medical information that is directly relevant to determining a disability rating. When submitted with a fully developed claim (FDC), DBQs ensure the VA’s ratings specialists have precisely the information they need to start processing the claim. Veterans can have their providers fill out any of the more than 70 DBQs that are appropriate for their conditions.

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