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Q656: Does anyone know if u can obtain more than 100% on your VA disability?

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A1: Yes you can (special monthly compensation) smc. I'm getting smc. (RN) 2/2/21
A2: In 2015, my claim was settled & I was awarded 100% total and permanent disability. I have various issues, including PTSD, diabetes, sleep apnea, etc. My total disabilities added up to 210% - but apparently 100% is all I'm entitled to. I am NOT complaining! I consider myself very fortunate, relative to many others. (GO) 2/2/21
A3: Look up TDIU AND SMC. They are examples of where you can receive 100% TDIU and extra for SMC. (DH) 2/2/21
A4: 100% is 100%. No more, no less. God bless you! (EA) 2/2/21
A5: The simple answer is "no" you cannot be more that 100% service connected (SC). If you are asking if you can get more than the basic 100% compensation rate, then the answer is "yes". Examples of Special Monthly Compensation (SMC) is Homebound, Aid and Attendance, loss of use, etc. You can get upwards of $8K/mo but you would not be enjoying the money. Unfortunately, there are veterans out there is such bad shape that they get upwards towards this amount. I count my blessings that I am not one of them. (DS) 2/3/21
A6: You need to contact an Accredited VSO with the VFW, DAV, Am Vets or the American Legion. They can answer your questions regarding additional compensation. There is no more award than 100% however: You can apply for Aid & Attendance if qualified and it will pay you more. If your spouse is in need of A&A you can file for her also. A medical doctor will file out the application and the VSO will submit. You can apply for Special Monthly Compensation (SMC) if you meet the requirements. You may also file a VA Form 10-10G for care givers assistance. CG pays for care givers if you are in need of such assistance. It is paid directly to the Care Giver. If you are rated at 70% and above you are qualified to apply. (GH) 2/3/21
A7: Kind of. You cant get like 125% because 100% is max however there are SMCs that can give you more money. For instance if you are 100% for a single issue and you have other disabilities that total up to 60% or more then you would be able to get the houseound SMC (Special Monthly comp). (ST) 2/5/21