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Q580: I am 60% rated by the VA now, but have other complications not related to the 60% that would probably put me at 100%. If I file for increased benefits due to these new health problems, would the VA reopen my 60% rating and possibly reduce that rating? I'm afraid to file for the new problems...afraid I'll lose my 60%.

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A1: No once you have a rating its there, and do no do an increase start a new claim. just make sure you have all documentation. Screenings have been going fast in some areas. (JW) 11/23/20
A2: Most important do your paper/homework . Any doctors outside of VA, have the VA to request the medical records. Make sure you are current on all treatments and diagnosis. Go ahead and apply for a C and P exam once your records have bee received. Work with your Veteran Service Officer(VSO) he or she can guide you. You will NOT lose your current rating. Keep track of your aches and pains. Good Luck. (TP) 11/23/20
A3: If you have new illness that are not connected to your present disabilities should not affect your current disability. File a 21-526ez and list your new disabilities. If you feel you need more direction on this feel free to write me. (GR) 11/23/20
A4: If the current disabilities more than likely can/will not improve than I would say you have nothing to worry about; like tinnitus and others. At the same time you should know that requesting additional disabilities open you to having your current disabilities reviewed as well. This does not mean VA will but they can for sure. (LG) 11/23/20
A5: The simple answer is NO. If you have a legitimate issue which can possibly be service connected then file a claim for it. As a matter of fact, if any of your disability ratings are more than 4 or 5 years old then I'd recommend filing, as part of your new claim, to have those issues reopened and reevaluated. The only time you will get a reduction in your ratings is if you are cured (which we never are since we're not bacon) or you die; at which point who really cares. Seriously, please don't listen to any sea lawyers - if you have legitimate service connected disabilities than you're ok. Recommendation: get logged in on MyHealtheVet Premium account and get your Problem List from the Blue Button. On that list will be everything (physical and mental) which the VHA is providing you services for. If any of the item on that list can be service connected and you're not yet rated as such, file a entire claim through your VA.GOV account. FYI, I'd be glad to discuss this with you further if you'd like. (TB) 11/23/20
A6: All claims are open for review when you submit for a increase on them. (MR) 11/23/20
A7: Yes SIr, the VA could either increase or decrease your current rating. I forgot 1, The VA can up your rating, lower your rating or leave it the same. (KH) 11/23/20
A8: Anytime a veteran files for an increased rating, there is always the risk of possible reduction. That is a risk that must be weighed before doing it. If you believe your existing ratings are solid and well-supported by medical evidence, then I would probably decide to seek an increase. I did it and I am waiting on hopefully another SMC in addition to what I already have. (RI) 11/23/20
A9: My friend who was a eater at the VA told me that when you file to increase a rating or new claim fir a new SC condition, they may or may not review your existing rating. They may increase, decrease or unchange the rating it all depends on the medical records prognosis & treatment notes. Also the rater may have made a mistake & the new review may uncover this mistake hence the need to correct the existing rating. (LK) 11/24/20
A10: As long as ur current disability is the same ur ok. Also look into unemployability disability. Much easier to qualify and ur paid at a 100% rate of pay. (DW) 11/24/20
A11: I started off with a lower percentage but applying for increases and problems that the original disability caused I was able to get it to 100%. You just have keep trying and never give up. Get recommendations for a great service officer, That will help. (BN) 11/26/20