Those That
Questions & Answers
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Q482: During a biopsy to remove a tumor from my spine, the neurosurgeon told me it appears to be TB because it caused compression fractures of L1,L2,L3,L5 and S1 resulting in spondylolisthesis. Can I claim any connection to my Agent Orange exposure?

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A1: Contact an Accredited VSO from the Am Legion, DAV, Am Vets, VFW or another Veterans Service Organization. If you were a Brown Water, Blue Water or Boots on the ground Sailor they can assist you. I would also introduce you to the "Colusa Triangle" you follow these three rules and you have a great case. 1. Current Diagnosis. No diagnosis. No service connection. 2. In service event. When, where, how. 3. NEXUS: (link - cause and effect connection) or Doctors statement " "Is as least likely as not due to military service." (GH) 7/26/20
A2: Yes. Ask for an evaluation. If denied, try again!!! (EA) 7/26/20
A3: You can claim anything but the hard part is supporting the claim with medical evidence. I would strongly recommend you talk with a VSO. (LG) 7/26/20