Those That
Questions & Answers
INSTRUCTIONS: Please read each question carefully. If you are able to answer question appropriately use the form below the question to respond. Your name will not appear on the public answer page. Only your initials and date of your response will be visible.
Q454: We all have been promised stimulus money, I'm wondering where it is. The corporations got it, rich people got theirs, how about me, the small guy, the veteran? Have any suggestions where I might complain to?

If you have a question about benefits, compensation, pension or VA related issues please submit here.
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A1: I have absolutely no idea, I haven't gotten anything either. (BO) 7/7/20
A2: No, not everyone was promised a stimulus check. I am certainly not rich, but make too much to qualify for any stimulus money. (DA) 7/7/20
A3: My very question, where is my stimulus check? Perhaps I/we make a bit to much money to qualify??? Hard to believe that corporations worth millions qualify, doctors, lawyers and other qualify? Why not the average, middle class? (GS) 7/7/20
A4: I received mine in April. My wife has not received hers. Can not find out why. All attempts give nothing but general cryptic information. I need to know specificically about my wife's check. (CB) 7/7/20
A5: Check look for the economic impact payment and click where's my check? It will ask questions that MAY answer you question. (LC) 7/7/20
A6: I have read that the holdup seems to be having the bank account.
If you come up with a better answer, please let me know. (AP) 7/7/20
A7: The chosen one who takes credit for everything but excepts responsibility for nothing , the one who made sure everyone who got one seen his name on either the check or the letter that followed the direct deposit . Or the voters who chose the 5 time medically challenged one that couldn't serve because Vietnam wasn't a popular enough war & doesn't like veterans that were captured . There's too many variants in the question of who to complain to for just one definite answer. (DM) 7/7/20
A8: I am in the same boat. Live overseas since 1979, pay taxes in the land where I live, have 100% disability and receive compensation. But, have never received anything pertaining to stimulus money. If you hear anything, please inform me also. I would be very grateful. Vietnam vet. (OS) 7/8/20
A9: Don't you think it is time that we all get our stimulus check? (MK) 7/8/20
A10: Yep, try Congress. All of us Veterans (Vietnam) that still can get around without help should just go to DC when we know the Idiots In Congress are in session, and about 10,000 plus of us just go in and disrupt their worthless crap. Then let them know that we the people who fight your freaking wars need our Money! Who is going to kick us out, the capitol Du-Das? Those people don't care about anyone but their selves. Someone get it going and i'll go...