Those That
Questions & Answers
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Q435: I was injured overseas in South Korea and I had fallen from top of an Air Purifier tower that helped us make Liquid Oxygen and other gasses for base use. I ended up spending a good deal of time in the base hospital in Tokyo, Japan later transferred back to the USA from there forwarded onto my new base stateside. Nonetheless I ended up having problems for some time and until recently my rating has finally got increased to 70% Service connected. I do not know if I would qualify for a Purple Heart but I am open to submitting an application for such as much of what I went thru even after my USAF background was all related and still is yet today. Is there something I need to do or submit to get my Purple Heart?

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A1: Normally, you don't "apply" for a Purple Heart. It is awarded by your command after they send in the request with a write up to higher authority who make the decision to award it or not. (RC) 6/2/20
A2: Does not qualify for a Purple Heart Has to be in combat injured usually with a blood wound. Maybe a terroir attack in the US. (JH) 6/2/20
A3: In relation to the Purple Heart, what is WRONG here? It would be like me claiming a Purple heart for getting up in the middle of the night, walking to the restroom, stubbing my small toe, into the bedpost, splitting it a little and then claiming a Purple Heart for it! No! No! No! Read the criteria: It must result by the hands of the enemy in a combat situation. As simple as that! How much simpler can that be made? I have two Purple Hearts and in each case a Combat Field Medic was the one that initially treated me and paper work submitted. (RA) 6/2/20
A4: I was hurt in Korea in 1978. I'm now 100% P&T with SMC M1/2. Please don't stop because I was 18 when I was injured now I'm 60. I don't think you qualify for Purple Heart. Don't stop. (RN) 6/2/20
A5: No. You were not wounded in a war time action. (RP) 6/2/20
A6: Purple Hearts are received from getting wounded or kill the enemy during the time of War. Not for any other reason! (RG) 6/3/20
A7: NO!, NO! NO! AND NO!! I made up my mind on the request for a Purple Heart on the FIRST Line of your Question: "I was injured overseas in South Korea and I had fallen from...............". Quit wasting your Time and Everybody elses. Well, there is ONE way that you would NOT be wasting your time and that would be for you to READ the OFFICIAL GOVERNMENT CRITERIA for the Award of the Purple Heart Medal. In a nutshell: The injury has to be caused by the hands of the Enemy AND there has to be Visible Blood. That's pretty simple.....I know I was awarded Two Purple Hearts in Vietnam. (RA) 8/4/20