Those That
Questions & Answers
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Q380: This isn't a one category question. I have applied for disability from VA several years ago. At that time they gave me a very difficult time. When I went for the VA appointment to see the doctor who examined me. He didn't really check me for my complaint. I fell down a ladder aboard ship with my arms full of life jackets. Hitting my back on the steps and twisting my legs. Mainly my right leg. But it was the back that gave me the most pain. We were securing from general quarters. I went to the directly to the first aid station. Our doc. was a seaman. I didn't even get an aspirin. The pain was very bad. But the following days the pain was horrible. At my age and aboard a destroyer you didn't complain much. My GQ station was helmsman and I didn't want to give that up. The doctor asked me one question "Did I get an Honorable discharge?” I answered him absolutely. I gave my permission to the VA person that is there to help us Vets. He told me it was the best way for me to get action on my request for disability help. It took the VA 3 years for VA to set up an appointment. Then I found out that the representative that said he would help me quit after 3 weeks of me signing paper work for him to help me. Yes they did find me disabled with no money compensation at all. Since then I have had ELEVEN surgeries. VA hasn't helped me at all. I now use a walker, electric wheel chair, I’ve had a pain pump implanted in my stomach. VA has paid for nothing. Not even to fill my pain pump. Nor will they gave me pain pills. They have refused me everything. I even paid for both of my electric wheel chairs one for outside and one for inside. I'm a 7 yrs. 5 mo., 28 days Vet. They have cost me and my wife (I lost her 10 yrs. Ago) more than I can describe. I served my country with honor. And they spit in my face. One other thing they told me I had a calcium deposit in my lungs. I believed them. My lung doctor said it was asbestos cause by me being in the Navy. Not CALCIUM. FROM BEING ABOARD AN OLD DESTROYER that is built around that crap. I know this is long but I had to tell my story. What can I do to get the VA to help me?

If you have a question about benefits, compensation, pension or VA related issues please submit here.
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A1: Have your lung doctor write a nexus letter. You can Google for a sample. Have your lung doctor review your military medical records and draft the nexus letter. (RD) 3/22/20
A2: I would recommend contacting the DAV and using them as you VSO. Give them power of attorney for VA matters. They did a great job for me. (TL) 3/22/20
A3: My best advice to you is to get in touch with a service representative from the American legion, DAV, or VFW, they would be able to get you some answers for you. I hope you can get this worked out, good luck, and God bless you. (KS) 3/22/20
A4: Try going to your DAV office they can help,they did a great job for me. (AD) 3/22/20
A5: Or, obviously, you are somewhat computer savvy. Go to eBenifits or and try to submit your claim by yourself.
The medical records you have can be submitted as evidence.
You will most likely be called in for a Comp & Pen exam and the interviewer will see how impacted your life is. Besides the doctor reports the key most important factor is if you have any record of what happened when you fell in service. (JD) 3/23/20
A6: Seek the advise of a lawyer who specializes in VA Affairs. (MC) 3/23/20