Those That
Questions & Answers
INSTRUCTIONS: Please read each question carefully. If you are able to answer question appropriately use the form below the question to respond. Your name will not appear on the public answer page. Only your initials and date of your response will be visible.
Q364: My claim for diabetes has been denied by the VA since 2000. Although, the VA currently treats me for my diabetes. The VA has been treating me for diabetes since 1995. I’m on dialysis and take a lot of medication to control my diabetes. I served in Vietnam from 1970 – 1971 and lived and worked around Agent Orange for most of the time there. My current disability rating is 50% for ischemic heart disease and 20% for hearing loss and tinnitus. My diabetes is really wearing my body down. I’d like to know why the VA has been denying my claim for diabetes when my service records clearly show that I was in Vietnam?

If you have a question about benefits, compensation, pension or VA related issues please submit here.
Use Form Below To Respond
A1: Your VA Decision Letter will tell you why you were denied. Read it. Take action with the assistance of a Veteran Service Officer to correct the denial. (WH) 2/23/20
A2: Please apply again, make sure you submit documents , like DD 214, 4138 statements in support of your claim , the narrative you did here is good as statements , buddy statements if any , if was denied submit VA form 21-0995 for review of your denied specify the places and dates of treatment. (EJ) 2/23/20
A3: Do you have Type I or Type II diabetes? Type II is a presumptive for Agent Orange exposure for boots on the ground in Vietnam. (RI) 2/23/20
A4: Have you asked fo a re-rating by submitting a new claim. The VA does not ordinarily review your condition with regards to compensation. For any change or increase in benefit rating you must submit the proper forms that actually make the request for consideration. Contact a benefits service officer at your local VA facility or at the VFW, DAV or Am Legion for assistance. You might also consider calling your regional VA office for guidance. According too what you say, you might need a new evaluation. With the VA, things don't just happen. You must initiate the process through direct contact and claim submission. Best Wishes! (GC) 2/23/20
A5: DD form 214 showing Vietnam war service, either 21526ez or 200995 persumpative illness exposure to A.O. (PM) 2/24/20