Those That
Questions & Answers
INSTRUCTIONS: Please read each question carefully. If you are able to answer question appropriately use the form below the question to respond. Your name will not appear on the public answer page. Only your initials and date of your response will be visible.
Q360: The Marine Corps will never admit it, but I had 3 code reds against me at basic training in 1981. All 3 resulted in cuts, bruises, and a black eye on the last one. I never got any medical treatment for the beatings and no medical records show I was beaten up. Forget about buddy statements no one will back me up. I have nightmares about the beatings every week, severe headaches, and a clicking sound in my jaw that I’ve had since 1981. Do you think I can I get approved for compensation for PTSD?

If you have a question about benefits, compensation, pension or VA related issues please submit here.
Use Form Below To Respond
A1: Are you receiving treatment for your medical conditions today? The VA will consider disability after reviewing your service medical records (SMR), C&P exam, and any other documentation your may present. Since your SMR does not include any treatment records, you may have a hard time proving to the VA that your injuries are service connected. Please speak to a veteran service officer (VSO) at the DAV or other veteran organization. They will review your case and help you with your claim. Good luck. (AB) 2/10/20
A2: How do you expect to get compensation for something you admit there is no proof of? (LW) 2/10/20
A3: Yes, it is possible. You need evidence, tho. Something, in addition to your statement, that it happened. This can include statements from family members & others, including doctors you may have seen or you've mentioned this to over the years. Whatever you do, don't fabricate or falsify any evidence. After events like that people, generally, have some personal changes, such as job loss, relationship break-ups, poor job performance, frequently changing jobs, poor grades in school, etc. (RH) 2/10/20
A4: I also experience a seminal experience different was we were told not to go to medical or else we would be recycle
almost every accident I had was never reported so when I got hurt I didn't report it so no medical records. I been turned down two times but I won't give up. (OE) 2/10/20