Those That
Questions & Answers
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Q355: All of my friends from the Vietnam war get VA disability checks except me. Are all injured or sick combat veterans who fought in Vietnam during the war entitled to compensation from the VA?

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A1: All whose illness or injury is on the list of presumptive diseases are entitled to compensation. Just serving in Vietnam doesn't rate any compensation on its own. (LW) 2/9/20
A2: Yes. (TR) 2/9/20
A3: Absolutely.!!! ALL Veterans deserve VA benefits, including compensation for all injuries, mental and physical. Veterans shouldn't be treated the way they are. It's a disgrace the way the VA makes their choice of who gets presumptive recognition and who doesn't. The VA motto- Delay, Deny until we die. (DP) 2/9/20
A4: There has to be something wrong. Maybe your hearing or you can not sleep. If there is nothing wrong with you you will not get anything. Go to the DAV OR VFW and talk to them. They will tell you what you can get if anything. Good luck. (JP) 2/9/20
A5: If you were injured while serving, or are sick/ill/injured now because of service (such as Agent Orange), then yes, you're entitled to compensation. But, you have to prove that you were either injured while serving, or are currently ill/injured because of service. You have to file a compensation claim and provide evidence that you are injured now because of getting hurt while serving of being exposed to something while serving. Go to your local VSO (Veteran's service officer) and they will help you file everything. If you need help finding your local (or nearest) VSO, then call your local/nearest VA clinic or hospital (either is fine) and they can give you that information. (LD) 2/9/20
A6: If you have a service connected illness or injury you would be best served by contacting a Veteran's Service Officer (VSO) and they will guide and help you through the claims process. I am a Vietnam Vet rated at 100% permanent & total disabled through the V.A. Took a couple years but hang in there and fight the good fight! (RR) 2/9/20
A7: If you can prove a service-connected injury/illness and disability, then YES. there are several Agent Orange presumptive disabilities for Vietnam vets. (RI) 2/9/20
A8: If you were injured or are sick, you may want to request your medical records and see a good VSO. (JB) 2/9/20
A9: Yes. (DB) 2/9/20
A10: You never know. I got mine at 79. Check it out with the VA. (HM) 2/9/20
A11: I suggest you contact your local CVSO (County Veterans Service Office). He/she can explain your options after looking at your records and talk to you. In my husbands case he was in Vietnam and exposed to AO. Now he has various health situations from his exposure. Your CVSO can advise you on what you need to do. That's where I'd start. Wishing you well. (DE) 2/9/20
A12: If you served in a war zone on active duty and got service connected disabilities then you are eligible. But if you waited until you are in your 65 to 70 plus age before claiming them you may be out of luck. For you would have had conditions such as exposure to herbicides, hearing loss, cancer, etc. Check the list of conditions for when you served and get a VSO (such as DAV, VFW or American Legion) to represent you. Hopefully you went to the VA or seen outside doctors for conditions that you should have been going to the VA or at least have records and proof of your conditions then you may have a chance. I hope you the best of luck for myself took over 34 years of fighting a war with the VA every step of they way and being denied left and right and even some of my conditions I have now are accepted for both knees but denied for my entire spine which can cause it thru out my whole body as well as permanent bone pain that to them is considered chronic or in my head but not acute like after having surgery. They take away the pain medications when you need them the most after 30 years of feeding them to you and afraid now of being sued for wrongful death or malpractice. At probably the next 15 years I will be dead anyway and if the pain is unbearable will get tylenol 3 outside the VA if have too for the pain. I would rather do that then suffer unbearably until the end at least in hospice they put you under so high a dose of morphine you can not respond to family or friends around you but no pain that we know of for can not say anything to let them know if it is a waste of time or not. Best of Luck to you and hope you have not waited too long. Get the evidence yourself and save all of it in case you need it in the future and never get rid of it. (JRM) 2/10/20
A13: As I understand it the answer should be yes. Have you applied with the assistance of a qualified VSO? (AD) 2/10/20