Those That
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Q352: I was in Vietnam 68, 69, 70. We used to walk thru areas that were sprayed from Agent Orange, and I have had prostate cancer even had to have it removed. The surgeon asked me were you ever in Vietnam and I said yes. The surgeon said you need to contact the VA. So I did and I only get 45% and everyone I speak to that have been exposed are 100%. Why am I only at 45%? Not sure where to go with this.

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A1: You should go to your VSO and appeal your verdict of 45%. (GM) 2/1/20
A2: You need a Nexus showing illness (prostate cancer) still causes problem after surgery removal and what improvement or further issues warrant 100 percent disability. Remember 100 percent is when the degree of disability will not improve and all is related to exposure. Find a really good ATTORNEY that specializes in VA Agent Orange claims. It should cost no more than 20% of your increase which is well worth the money. (DF) 2/1/20
A3: I was in Vietnam 1970 & 71 Infantry, I've had 2 cancers in last 5 years KIDNEY AND BLADDER CANCER. HAVE NOT RECEIVED A PENNY. (AH) 2/1/20
A4: I had my prostate removed last April. VA told me that I would be examined after 6 months and I would go from 100% to what they determined appropriate for my recovery. I had the review, and it was reduced. The 100% is temporary. I also have diabetes, so my percentage is higher than yours, but no longer 100%. Look at your original approval letter again. My spelled it out clearly. I know you can appeal a reduction within 60 days, so you may want to consider that. You should have also received a letter reducing your disability with the reason, your rights, and an appeal form. Good luck. (JK) 2/1/20
A5: I believe there is 1 year of continuing compensation after prostate cancer is deemed to have been cured - 6 months after you complete treatment, you are scheduled for another C&P exam, and if your cancer is deemed to be in remission, you will be notified of a proposed reduction in your % compensation, based on any residual complications. Any reduction would take place after 6 months notice (thus 12 months altogether). Those at 100% have likely not been treated and, like me, are in a "watchful waiting", "active surveillance" status where they are not treated (& thus can't be "cured". These 2 links may help: (JS) 2/1/20
A6: The way that prostate cancer is rated by the VA, if the prostate is removed depending on the side affects and the use of pads and how many times you get up at night to go to the bathroom. So when someone says they have prostate cancer and 100% the cancer is active in their bodies. (GR) 2/1/20
A7: I was also in V.N. in 1968-1969. I got prostate CA 10 yrs. ago
and had surgery. I received a 100% award that lasted approx. 24 mos.
Then reevaluated to 30%. The said it is considered a recovery
Allowance or something like that. (GT) 2/1/20
A8: There is no such thing as a 45% VA rating. All VA ratings are done in 10% increments. You can either file an appeal or file a reconsideration if the last rating is a year old. Please use a veteran service organization when you refile your claim. Have a VSO review allthe medical evidence that was submitted on your behalf that is in your VA disability electronic file. (KG) 2/1/20
A9: VA rates at 100% for AO induced Prostate Cancer until you get to 1 year post treatment, then if your PSA is maintaining low, they rerate down to 10%. That's what they did with me. It was only due to other conditions and permanent side effects of my radiation treatment that I was able to raise that. Also look at PTSD if you are not already rated for that. Best bet is get a GOOD VSO (Veteran Service Officer) to help you get the most rating possible. (LC) 2/1/20
A10: Good luck....I'm convinced the VA employees are trained to deny is very sad. (DW) 2/1/20
A11: After an appeal I got 40% for Prostate Cancer but combined with hearing loss & Tinnitus a total of 60%. I would Appeal it; any VSO (Veteran's Service Officer) would tell you to do that and include any other issues listed as a disability including others due to Agent Orange. (BB) 2/1/20
A12: Who ever submitted your claim did a shi*** job. There are also Secondary effects such as mental and depression.Talk to a VFW or AMERICAN Leigon or even Veterans support Service to put in a NOD. (FU) 2/1/20
A13: The length of time spent there is not the issue. The issue is what is wrong with you. Depending on the medical issue associated to Agent Orange is what you are rated on. If you will look at your ratings you will see that you are rated as either 40% or 50% not 45%. The VA only grants in steps of 10's. As a VN Vet myself and a County VSO you are one of the fortunate ones. I have seen numerous VN Vets lose their lives because of this horrendous stuff put on us. (LP) 2/1/20
A14: Do you know your current PSA Level? you may be in remission and/or cured. (JH) 2/1/20
A15: You no longer have prostrate cancer since your prostrate gland has been removed. (GE) 2/1/20
A16: Go to a Disabled AMERICAN VETS (DAV) office and speak to a service officer about this and let them help you file/submit a claim ASAP. (KP) 2/1/20
A17: What group opened your claim? (VFW, Legion or DAV. ). I'd contact them to see why your at an odd %. The VA most always rounds to the nearest whole number. I'm the Post Service Officer in Warsaw MO if your handled through Legion or VFW I can see if I can help you. (ML) 2/2/20
A18: I was in Viet Nam in 1969 & 1970 and I only get 20% disability. (JS) 2/2/20
A19: I am the wife of a Vietnam Veteran and my husband too was diagnosed with prostate cancer by the VA. At that time we filed paperwork with the VA and he was granted 100%. But, he too, had his prostate removed. He used a non VA Dr. After the removal his percentage was lowered because he didn't have his prostate and the cancer was gone. At least according to the government. His had not spread. He's doing fine now. Just a suggestion. Maybe you should go back to the CVSO office and get more clarification. You should have gotten paperwork saying why you were diagnosed at 45%. Also it will say what criteria you need to increase your percentage. Take it along if you need to. I wish you well with your claim and your health . Thank you for your Service, Sir. (DE) 2/2/20