Those That

Service Medical Records
Discharged, deceased, or retired 1/1/1886 - 1/30/1994 (enlisted) or 1/1/1903 - 1/30/1994 (officer).
Write To:
National Personnel Records Center
(Military Personnel Records)
9700 Page Ave.
St. Louis, MO 63132-5100
Discharged, deceased, or retired 1/31/1994 - 12/31/1994.
Write To:
Department of Veteran Affairs
Records Management Center
P.O. Box 5020
St. Louis, MO 63115-5020
Discharged, deceased, or retired on or after 1/1/1995.
Write To:
Department of Veteran Affairs
Records Management Center
P.O. Box 5020
St. Louis, MO 63115-5020
Personnel Records
Write To:
Navy Personnel Command (PERS-313C1)
5720 Integrity Dr.
Millington, TN 38055-3130
Active, reserve, or TDRL.
Write To:
Navy Personnel Command (PERS-313C1)
5720 Integrity Dr.
Millington, TN 38055-3130
Did You Know?
The departments of Veterans Affairs and Defense will be inseparable as they roll out inter-operable modernized Electronic Health Records (EHR) systems over the next decade. The VA Secretary has been given the order to make the new electronic health care system work so that from the time any young American enters the service to take his first or her first physical to the time that he or she first walks into the VA, there will be a continuous, holistic record.