Those That

Service Medical Records
Discharged, deceased, or retired before 11/1/1912 (enlisted) or before 7/1/1917 (officer).
Wrtie To:
National Archieves & Records Administration
Old Military and Civil Records (NWCTB-Military)
Textual Services Division
700 Pennsylvania Ave, N.W.
Washington, DC 20408-0001
Discharged, deceased, or retired 11/1/1912 - 10/15/1992 (enlisted) or 7/1/1917 - 10/15/1992 (officer).
Write To:
National Personnel Records Center
(Military Personnel Records)
9700 Page Ave.
St. Louis, MO 63132-5100
Discharged, deceased, or retired 10/16/1992 - 9/30/2002.
Write To:
Department of Veteran Affairs
Records Management Center
P.O. Box 5020
St. Louis, MO 63115-5020
Reserve; or active duty records of current National Guard members who performed services in the U.S. Army before 7/1/1972.
Write To:
U.S. Army Human Resources Command
1 Reserve Way
St. Louis, MO 63132-5200
Active enlisted (including National Guard on active duty in the U.S. Army) or TDRL enlisted.
Write To:
Commander USAEREC
Attn: PCRE-F
8899 E. 56th St.
Indianapolis, IN 46249-5301