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Q143: I submitted my NOD appeal back in Nov 05, 2017, after waiting for 10 months my files finally is moved to the decision level / rater in Sept 01, 2018. Does anyone know how long it usually takes to get a decision from the rater?

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A1: My last claim took 28 days to get approved, that was in 2016. My 1st claim was submitted in 1978, finally got a 30% rating in 1992. I now have a 70%, 60%, 40% & 10% ratings that works out to 94% overall rating. I did get approved for un-employability, which gives me 100%. The fact that 70-60-40-10 only adds up to 94% with the VA math really pisses me off. (TRK) 9/27/18
A2: I have been waiting on one that I filed in 2014 It has been before the board sence 2016 no word when it will come up good luck. (JH) 9/27/18
A3: Took me 2 to 2 1/2 years on each of my claims for increase in rating. Write to your congressman for assistance and file thru a VSO such as DAV, American Legion or other one. (JRM) 9/28/18
A4: Probably a year. (RL) 9/28/18
A5: I put mine in on June 2016 and not heard a word. (CA) 9/28/18