Those That
Veterans Cannot Claim This Disease As A Disability
By USVCP Staff Writers
April 9, 2019
While many have tried, the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is adamant, veterans will never be compensated for this disability. While the VA estimates that 78% of veterans have this disability, VA does not and will not offer treatment programs for veterans suffering from this widespread disability. In other words, VA will never dish out compensation for it anytime soon.
Additionally, every Veterans Service Officer (VSO) we contacted about this issue stated in no uncertain terms that any veteran who asks to put in a claim for this rampant disease is basically wasting their time and energy.
As far as VA is concerned, obesity cannot be considered a service-connected disability. Recently, a new ruling by VA General Counsel explains in great detail why obesity is not considered service-connected.
The new ruling reinforces the VA's long-standing opinion that obesity isn't a disease or injury according to the law for wartime or peacetime compensation and can't be considered directly related to military service for compensation purposes.
Wait a minute! The Centers for Disease Control recognizes obesity as a disabling disease with many health-related ramifications, so why doesn’t the VA?
While the VA treats obesity as a disease for which treatment is warranted, the distinction is in the words "service-connected." The VA simply does not see it as a condition that was a result of military service, and therefore for which compensation is payable.
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Lazzaro Cutrone, 6/21/21
I find it quite disturbing and frankly absurd that the VA refuses to pay for obesity treatment (or even gastric bypass) for veterans, but is stepping up to pay for Transgender surgery which is elective at best! How many Trans people will join the military in order to benefit from this ridiculous decision and then quit at the end of their 1st enlistment, having received what they wanted on the Taxpayer's dime?
Mary Romero, 6/21/21
What would even make a writer come up with this crap. Honestly it pisses me off. I agree with so many of you about the Military and being obese. Almost an oxy-moron. The two do not fit together. I have battled my weight my entire life, and guess what I have exercised to beat that battle. This is beyond ridiculus. Next thing you know "LAZY" will be a disease. Not sure I'd believe anything coming from the CDC.
David Jones, 6/21/21
Agreed, it certainly could not have been related to the quality of food in their chow halls when I was in the service.
Stephen Claussen, 6/21/21
Bravo Zulu for the VA Obese Veterans need to get off their Dead A** and start exercising and eating Healthier ... lay off the junk food ... SODA "Drop and give me 20.
Roger Heilig, 6/21/21
I believe it could be rated as secondary to PTSD, in addition to other physical service-connected disabilities. But it would take a patient persistent person to pursue this. JMO. (RH) 6/21/21
Larry Cutrone, 2/16/21
Obesity is NOT Service Connected. If every Vet ate according to military standards and exercised in the same manner, there would be NO obese Veterans. A PA at the VA once told me that to be considered Service Connected, a condition needed to be far more prevalent in Veterans than in the public sector. I see obesity as a National (or even World) problem that should be addressed, but people should not receive compensation for it.
Iris Eng, 2/11/21
My perspective isn't that of a Soldier or a Veteran. I was injured caring for our Veterans including some bariatric and some overweight Veterans. I have come to believe that many of these Veterans should be reimbursed. In American society at large, we are aware of individuals who eat not because they are hungry or the food is so GREAT but to "stuff their feelings deep inside". Many of these individuals will die! No individual will ever see more than our Veterans who have been in war zones! I believe this should be approved for a mental health condition under some conditions. When a Veteran becomes a bariatric individual, they have reached all to often, the point of no return. "Stuffing" ones self has brought about their own demise! Certainly, they should be compensated for the mental harm they have endured that brought about this issue. I definitely think certain criteria must be worked out. However, if criteria for so many other issues can be worked out, I would think this one could be as well!
Patrick Grosh, 2/11/21
I am from the draft age! The Army made fat people skinny, and skinny people toned with muscle. With exercise and watching what you eat. You should never become obese in the military. If you do! You are visiting the PX too much. And if you are out of the military now, you picked up some bad habits!
Ernest Lane, 5/12/20
Given the physical fitness requirements, I don't think it's possible to be obese on active duty (and not be discharged) or because of it.
Steve Urnowey, 5/12/20
When did being a fat man have anything to do with the military. If you were fat you loose weight or your out. That's it. My time in the Marines if your fat you were gone. Obesity is not a service connected disability, no more then having long hair who ever came up with that one must have had some fat body kid in the family needing a hand out.
Ronald Christopher, 5/11/20
Obesity is not service connected. The only connection would be between the veterans hand and his mouth.
Bob Bowman, 2/18/20
Come on; you can't be obese and be in the military and if you became obese after serving, whose fault is that? Don't eat so much!
Lisandro Dehoyos, 12/16/19
If you are 30% disabled and compensated, obesity can be considered, if the 30% condition is related. how ever, your treatment will not be of a compensable nature.
Ronald Christpher, 7/26/19
I do not see obesity as a service connected disease either.
JR Patterson, 5/15/19
I'm sorry, during my military career I observed far too many career and non-career military personnel sit around on their ever-increasing fat behinds stuffing their mouths with one donut after another, drinking copious amounts of sugar-loaded coffee, or gobbling down plate after plate of high-fat / high-carbohydrate food after another. Then they would sit behind a desk all day doing whatever possible to avoid any kind of PT or physical labor. In their off duty time, if they weren't at the O-Club or NCO club where they'd slam back one beer after another or drink themselves into a stupor, they'd be at some bar or tavern downtown. Smoke? Of course! They would do this for years and then, of course, keep this same type of lifestyle unto civilian life and then wonder upon wonder why they became obese? OMG, it must have been the military's fault! Like hell! Add to the fact that as we age, it's a normal fact of life that many of us, if not most, in our later years tend to add pounds as our metabolism slows down. But you can't keep eating those DAMN donuts, BBQ, and drinking 6-12 Miller Lites a freaking day! YOU WILL GET FAT AND FATTER! It ain't the fault of the Army, Marine's, USAF, or the Navy. It is what it is and it isn't service connected, even though one or more of your service connected injuries or wounds may well keep you from exercising. I know mine do, but that ain't why I put on the weight. Part of it's due to my inability to ambulate like I used to, and the other because I just got freaking lazy.
Charles Brad, 5/15/19
I'm retired Army Senior Warrant. I avoid Fort Hood like the plague. When I do govto the PX I am blown away as to how fat the soldiers and officers are. It if flat out disgusting. These fat slobs should be given 6 months to lose ALL of their blubber or be kicked out. This goes for all officers even generals. The military also needs to not allow soldiers to smoke. I do not appreciate having to pay for their medical care. They are out of shape, can't keep up runs etc. shape up you fat bast__ards or you are out and zero VA Disability no mercy.
William Peters, 5/15/19
I agree 100%.
Larry Bishop, 4/10/19
Is there any common sense left in the world today??????? Sad what this country has come to.
John R. Morgan, Sr., 4/10/19
The VA does not want to recognize it for almost every veteran with a disability preventing them from doing active exercises because of their disabilities. Such as degenerative bone and joint disease, loss of limbs, severe muscle and nerve damage. If they are unable to exercise or get in sufficient walking, bending, hiking, track, climbing to keep their weight down or affect it as so . Therefore a large percentage of veterans will and do put on excessive weight where diet alone can not and will not keep their weight down. That is why the VA will not accept obesity or even degenerative bone and joint disease to a minimum. I for one they accept degenerative joint and bone disease for both my knees but not my whole spine or skeletal system. I accept this as long as they pay me at the 100% level but if they take anything away will sue them for have the evidence to prove my bone and joint disease is related to type II diabetes which is service-connected. The VA never accepts any condition that will increase the number of veterans would be able to claim and that is why they do not want us veterans comparing conditions and percentages where one gets more of a rating when a lot of us veterans have the same conditions but it is just how we prove it and pursue it that they finally give in to a certain degree.
Bernice Mendoza, 4/10/19
I lost a strip because in service they claim I was obese I left the military because of the stress cause by this issue. My weight was due to my career as an engine mechanic. Continuously try to keep my weight in align with their requirements cause stress and more weight. I had the option of loose weight or get out. Looking at me I had no weight to lose but they went by number I.e. scale and not by reality.
Jimmy Fishburn, 4/10/19
When I enlisted I was in shape. I was discharged for Obesity. Tell me again how this is NOT service connected!
Alfred Carpenter, 4/10/19
I agree with the VA. Obesity is not caused by serving in the military.