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Review Exam Results Immediately


It’s very important that a veteran review exam results as soon as possible.  All too often, what is written by the medical examiner differs quite a bit from what the veteran witnessed.  For instance, some veterans have reported that the medical examiner indicated that a certain instrument was used during the exam, and the veteran was sure no such instrument was ever used.  Checking the accuracy of the medical exam is crucial.


Some veterans use the Post Examination Assessment Form immediately after medical examinations conducted by VA medical staff.  In doing so, the veteran has an opportunity to record exam results as he/she remembers them, and the form provides a structured format the way VA personnel like to work with.















Lastly, it is vital to the outcome of any medical examination conducted by VA personnel that the veteran comb over all details of correspondence sent to them related to the medical examination.  Addressing any and all issues related to the medical examination is a must.  If VA is asking for information, it is very important that a veteran respond to the question as soon as humanly possible.  Some veterans may require the help of a certified VSO in interpreting information sent to them be VA personnel.  Understanding what a veteran receives from VA is of utmost importance.