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South Dakota State Benefits
SDDVA form E-11 "Veterans Application for Free Tuition at State Supported Schools" is available at the schools’ financial aids, veterans representative or registrars offices or, they can be obtained from the Division of Veterans Affairs. The completed application, along with a copy of the veteran’s DD-214 must be submitted to the Sioux Falls VA Regional Office (address shown on the reverse side of the form) and then returned to the school.
Free Tuition for Children of Veterans Who Die During Service
Children who are under the age of 25, are residents of South Dakota, and whose mother or father was killed in action or died of other causes while on active duty, are eligible for free tuition at a state supported school, if the deceased parent was a bona-fide resident of this state for at least six (6) months immediately preceding entry into active service.
SDDVA form E-12 "Application for Free Tuition at State Supported Institutions" is available at the schools’ financial aids, veterans representative or registrars offices or, they can be obtained from the Division of Veterans Affairs.
Free Tuition for Dependents of POW’s and MIA’s
Children and spouses of prisoners of war, or of persons listed as missing in action, are entitled to attend a state supported school without the payment of tuition or mandatory fees provided they are not eligible for equal or greater federal benefits.
SDDVA form E-12 "Application for Free Tuition at State Supported Institutions" is available at the schools’ financial aids, veterans representative or registrars offices or, they can be obtained from the Division of Veterans Affairs.
Reduced Tuition for South Dakota National Guard Members
Guard members, who meet the requirements for admission, are eligible for a fifty percent (50%) reduction in undergraduate tuition charges at any state supported school for up to a maximum of four academic years
one program of study, approved by the state Board of Education, at any state vocational school upon payment of fifty percent (50%) of the tuition charges.
The receipt of federal educational benefits does not affect eligibility for this program. To qualify the guardmember must:
- Be a resident of this state and a member of the SD Army or Air
- Guard throughout each semester or vocational program for which he or she applies for benefits.
- Have completed required active duty for training. attend 90% of drills and training periods and maintain a satisfactory academic grade level.
- Provide proper notice to the institution at time of registration for the term in which benefits are sought.
Special License Plate
NOTE: Under South Dakota law, veterans who wish to display any of the following distinctive plates on their vehicles, must also keep a set of regular numbered plates on or in the vehicle at all times.
Application forms may be obtained at the local County Treasurer’s office. Immediately upon the death of the veteran, the distinctive plates must be returned to the county treasurer of the county where the veteran lived.
Disabled Veteran Plate
Resident veterans who were injured while serving on active duty during a time of war or while participating in a military mission involving armed conflict are eligible if they meet at least one of the following criteria:
- Is in receipt of the DVA "K" award for loss or loss of use of one or more extremities or; is rated as totally disabled from service connected disabilities.
- The disabled veteran plate entitles the veteran to park in spaces reserved for the handicapped.
- The veteran must provide verification of eligibility, such as a VA award letter, at the time of application.
Prisoner of War Plate
For resident veterans who were held as a POW while serving on active duty and who received an honorable discharge.
Pearl Harbor Survivor Plate
For resident veterans who were serving on active duty and survived the attack at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941 and who received an honorable discharge.