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Newport Gourmet Tours - 10% discount with Veteran ID.
Newseum - 10% discount with Veteran ID. Call 1-888-639-7386.
Newtown Bookshop - 10% Discount. Must have Veteran ID. Call 215-968-2400.
Newtown Hardware House - 10% Discount. Must have Veteran ID. Call 215-968-3611.
Newtown Pizza - 10% Discount. Must have Veteran ID. Call 215-504-2232.
Nickelodeon Hotels – Reduced rates and perks, Call 877-NICK-111 and ask for the Military Family Package.
Nico's Pizza - 10% discount with valid Veteran ID. Call 215-245-4100.
Nike – 10% off, In-Store. Must have valid military ID.Nuvo - $30 off Ritmo Pregnancy Sound System. Call 1-888-688-6462, or use coupon code MILITARY99 online. Valid military ID required for in-store purchase.
Normandy Optical - 15% Discount. Must have Veteran ID. Call 215-295-0444.
Norwegian Cruises - Discounts vary. Must have Veteran ID.
O’Reilly Auto Parts – Discount varies by location, simply ask and have a valid military ID with you.
Oakley – Must register on company website to receive discount.
Ocean Experience Surf School - 10% discount on soft goods discount. Must have Veteran ID. Call 619-225-0674.
Ocean Park Resort - 15% Discount. Must have Veteran ID.
O'Charley's - 10% discount with Veteran ID. Call 919-484-4038.
Odyssey Cruise - Discounts vary. Must have Veteran ID. Call 202-488-6010.
Old Navy – 10% military discount 1st of every month (may vary by location; in-store only).Old Towne Tavern - 10% Discount Dine in only. No Alcohol. Must have Veteran ID. Call 215-258-5668.
Old South Carriage Co. - Discount varies. Must have valid Veteran ID. Call 843-723-9712.
Olive Oil Etcetera - 10% Discount. Must have Veteran ID Card. Call 267-880-6258.
Olive Tree Restaurant - 10% discount with valid Veteran ID Card. Call 352-563-0075.
Oliver Shakewell's - 10% discount with valid Veteran ID Card. Call 610-797-1924.
One Stop Theater Systems Inc. - 5-6% Discount. Must have Veteran ID. Call 619-225-3500.
O'Neil Buick GMC - Discount varies. Must have valid Veteran ID. Call 215-672-0900.
O'Neil Nissan - Discount varies. Must have valid Veteran ID. Call 215-674-9300.
Ooh La La - Free drink with order. Must have valid Veteran ID Card. Call 281-391-2253.
Optical Solutions - 25% Discount. Must have valid Veteran ID. Call 215-794-4550.
Optional Solutions - 10% discount with valid Veteran ID Card. Call 813-892-9888
Orange Julius - 10% Discount. Must have valid Veteran ID. Call 843-553-0844.
Original Dominick's Pizza - 10% Discount on all food purchases, No alcohol . Must have Veteran ID. Call 215-295-1021.
Ottsville Inn - 10% Discount off Non-Alcohol. Must have Veteran ID. Call 610-847-5463.
Outback Steakhouse - Discounts vary by location, and most often discount given on Holiday's. Free blooming onion with valid Veteran ID Card.
Owow Cow Creamery - 10% Discount. Must have Veteran ID. Call 610-847-7070.
Oysters Restaurant - 10% discount with valid Veteran ID Card. Call 352-795-2633.
Pac Sun – Discount varies per location, just bring in a vaild military ID.
Pacers Logan - 10% Discount. Must have valid Veteran ID. Call 202-506-2029.
Pacific Coast Auto Detail Center, Inc. - 50% discount on Basic, Deluxe and Supreme Detail packages. Must have Veteran ID. Call 619-531-9319.
Packit Gourmet - 10% discount with Veteran ID. Call 512-707-0795.
Paideia School - Discount varies. Must have valid Veteran ID. Call 404-377-3491.
Palais Royal - 15% off sale prices in all locations with valid Veteran ID Card.