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Veteran Discounts May Soon End
By USVCP Staff Writers
September 17, 2020
The restaurant industry has served veterans very well over the years. Thousands of restaurants have offered discounts and free meals to veterans during National holidays and some even on a daily basis. However, all veteran discounts at restaurants may soon come to an end.
After six months of a “new normal” amid a deadly coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, the restaurant industry is still reeling. “Devastated” might not be too strong a word, according to the National Restaurant Association (NRA).
Veterans have noticed at an alarming rate that the restaurants that used to offer discounts to veterans have either stopped altogether, or reduced the discounts significantly.
A new NRA survey shows about 100,000 restaurants have closed permanently since the start of the pandemic and have no plans to reopen. The NRA has reported that more than 3 million restaurant employees are out of work, and even more have had their hours reduced significantly.
For veterans worried about the fate of their favorite restaurant, the NRA survey results are grim indeed. Despite a rapid shift to take-out, curbside and delivery sales, most restaurants say they are still struggling to survive and cannot go on much longer under present conditions.
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Michael DeCenso, 9/26/20
As a 22 year veteran I fully support the restaurants decisions. Thank you for the support you have given to veterans over the years.
Jose Hernandez, 9/18/20
The one I'm having problems is Lowe's. I ask in person at the register about Vet Discount and I'm told I have to register and apply on line; I tried doing it online and I get kicked out, went to customer service after 10-15 minutes in line waiting for service and I'm told to apply online even when I tell them that I'm blocked they keep telling me to re-apply online, they just don't want to do it at the store, there are some restaurants that give discounts ONLY on one (1) day of the week that's Norm's; Pollo Loco doesn't or Popeye's; no Chinese restaurants including Panda Express. No Business advertise the discount unless one asks for it and then only on certain days of the week
Ted Handle, 9/17/20
Discounts for veterans in my area (Valdosta, Georgia) vanished a long time ago.
Miriam Keedy, 9/17/20
I never got any free discounts from anywhere, I never got the free food that was given out, because I was too afraid to go out, and no one care to call me to find out if I wanted anything.
Vick Loso, 9/17/20
Miriam, I care. Please reach out if you need anything.