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Aggressive Email Scam Ripping Off Veterans In Large Numbers

September 30, 2018


Another highly aggressive and very sophisticated email scam is ripping off veterans by the thousands.  This new scam is not only stealthy, but, very effective in convincing veterans of its legitimacy.  The scammers have linked veterans email accounts with people they know, interact with regularly, and trust.


Here’s How The Scam Works











A veteran will receive an email from an old friend, family member, or business associate they know personally.  The contents of the email will ask the veteran for a favor, and direct the veteran to keep the request between the veteran and the scammer.   The scammers, acting as a friend, family member or business associate will continue and ask for money in the form of a gift card or electronic transfer.  The scammers further create urgency by directing the veteran to conduct the transaction as soon as possible so that the scammer does not get in trouble.


Take A Look At Two Email Excerpts


Two Email Excerpts
(Each excerpt from two veterans.  The emails in each excerpt are sample emails only and do not represent email accounts of the veteran or scammers)












Email Scam No.1

Note:  Name in email handle appears to be from family member veteran knows and trusts.  


From: (old/ghost email that is no longer in use by original owner.  Real email to scammers embedded in reply form) 


I am sorry for bothering you with this mail,  I need to get a gift card for my wife right away, it’s her birthday but I can't do this now because I'm currently traveling and I tried purchasing online but unfortunately no luck with that while I am away from home.  Can you get it from any store around you? I'll pay you back as soon as I am back in town.  Please don’t tell anyone I want to surprise her.  Kindly let me know if you can handle this delicate situation.


Email Scam No. 2

Note:  Name in email handle is a VA staff member who is no longer employed with VA.  Veteran did not realize VA staff member no longer worked for VA.


From: (old/ghost email that is no longer in use by original owner. Real email to scammers embedded in reply form) 


I have a very embarrassing predicament I’m in right now and I’m wondering if you can help me.  I need $500 to make my car payment.  As you know, the VA does not pay much and I have fallen behind on my car payment.  If you can help me please don’t tell anyone at the VA or anyone you know.  I’d die of embarrassment and I could get in trouble.  If you are able to help me send the money in the form of a gift card to my private P.O. Box.  Thanking you in advance for being so kind.


How Are The Scammers Finding The Association?


Scammers purchase email lists from companies.  The lists are narrowed down to veterans who reside in a certain state and location.  The scammers also use IP locations surrounding VA medical Centers, CBOCs and Vet Centers, to narrow their target audience.


Additionally, in many of these cases the scammers have installed spyware on your computer that tracks who you send email to and who sends email to you.