Those That
New Bill Would Compensate Veterans
USVCP Staff Writers
September 28, 2018
Congressman Brendan Boyle, of Philadelphia, joined two of his colleagues in introducing a bill September 28, 2018, that would compensate veterans who became ill by being exposed to perfluorinated compounds, also called PFAS.
PFAS is an unregulated chemical that is being discovered in drinking water at an increasing number of military bases throughout the United States.
The Bill is referred to as the “Veterans Exposed to Toxic PFAS ACT,” or “VET PFAS Act.”
The new legislation would allow for a group of illnesses to be recognized by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and to be service-connected, making veterans eligible for disability compensation and free medical treatment.
The legislation would create six new service-connected conditions that are linked to PFOA exposure. The conditions are high cholesterol, ulcerative colitis, thyroid disease, testicular cancer, kidney cancer and pregnancy-induced hypertension.
Veterans with any of those conditions may want to start gathering medical information, and the appropriate VA forms to initiate a disability claim. The likelihood of this Bill being passed is very high.
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Ed Rajecki, 8/15/19
Camp Lejeune water now PFAs Paris Island NAS Memphis Mcas Beaufort SC But the VA says my asthma and immune problems didn't come from either. Delay Deny Hope They Die.
Charles Marcinko, 6/4/19
I'm interested in this one, but wonder how far back will they go to allow awards. Because I have high cholesterol and I did live for 5 years at Ft. Bragg, NC.
Mary Taylor, 5/20/19
Very glad to see this. I lived at Wurtsmith AFB from 1981 to 1983 in base housing I got thyroid cancer and both my children have autoimmune and thyroid issues. I knew it had to be somewhere we all had been exposed. I don?t have thyroid disease in my family or my children?s father either. So glad to know where it came from and the strong possibility of being compensated.
Michael Hanlon, 1/5/19
I have high cholesterol and thyroid disease. i'm at 60% disability at this writing for back and hearing.
Dennis Kraft, 12/15/18
What about Edgewood Arsenal Maryland and Seneca Army Depot New York?
Ray Ivey, 11/9/18
Here's a list of every military base.
Donald Douglas, 10/25/18
They don't care about the vets.
Richard Semon, 10/20/18
Drank the water at Lejunene. Diagnosed with Scleroderma in 76. Been fighting VA from Agent Orange to the water. It's on the list for water but no comp. Good luck with the Bill.
William Napoli, 10/20/18
Does this include Camp Lejeune?
Dallas Reed, 10/6/18
How about Fort Hood or Fob Fenty in Afghanistan?
Jack Kinser, 10/1/18
What forms need to be filled out?
Heyward Johnson, 9/30/18
What about Fort McClellan, AL?
Richard Deckert, 9/29/18
Which bases? You've only told 1/2 the story!
Stephen Eaton, 9/29/18
Is this man aware of the H2O Situation @ Camp Lejuene,N.C. and the USMC ? It took the suck 30 plus years 2 figure out the fuel tanks were leaking WTH ! Good luck with his "bill". Semper Fi.