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Low Payments To Disabled Vets Are A National Disgrace

By Charles Benesh



Pamela Roberson, 8/16/22
I agree 100%. I'm not disable, but I am a veteran and I work daily with veterans seeking the compensation and /or pension they deserve for risking their lives to protect our country. I like the author's statement that taxing the stock market exchange on every movement of money would definitely help tremendously to raise money to compensate those that were injured or served in the Army Forces. I'm thankful for all those that served and for the families of those that didn't survive. The compensation they pay widows and children needs to be addressed also. How do they expect a widow to live on less than $1400 a month, when most are elderly and trying to stay in their homes. Please pass a law to increase their payments. It doesn't take a committee to study for months or years to see the suffering they are doing or the suffering the military forces are experiencing because parents are telling their sons/daughters not to risk their lives. Thank you.


Joel Lebowitz, 8/15/22
Veterans if they choose to use the VA for there medical care should not have to have to pay for medicare.  They take $170 out of my Social Security check.  How much does Canada and England compensate their Disabled Veterans?  Food Stamps might be a way to help Disabled Veterans with the cost of food. Government assistance in paying part of the Disabled Veterans house payment, rent , and utilities. These are suggestions if the Government doesn't want to raise our compensation rates to at least what a middle class salary would be.











Andrew Moothart, 8/15/22
I agree with you 100%, veterans have never been compensated like they should be. It's bad enough that veterans have had to fight tooth and nail for the benefits they were promised for serving their country.  It's time for all veterans to be given fair compensation and treated like lower class people.


Adrian Poland, 8/15/22
I am a total and permanent disabled veteran who is also a medically retired veteran of the US Army with less than 20 years of active service and have to waive my monetary retirement for my VA compensation which seems to be unfair. Military retired pay and VA compensation are for two different things.


Daniel Devine, 8/15/22

I agree completely.  I am 100% disabled veteran. Trying to live on just under $ 40,000 is very hard. Please pass the increase for all disabled veterans.

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