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Indiana State Benefits
The mission of the Indiana Department of Veterans Affairs is to assist Hoosier Veterans, service personnel, their dependents and/or survivors in obtaining every benefit and advantage due them under the laws of the State of Indiana and the United States. The Department works with a network of certified County Veteran Service Officers who are there to assist with information and the preparation of paperwork at no cost.
Employment Assistance
With funding from the U.S. Department of Labor, Veterans' Employment and Training Service, the Indiana Department of Workforce Development provides services to Hoosier Veterans. Through the Disabled Veterans' Outreach Program (DVOP), and the Local Veterans' Employment Representative (LVER) Program, Workforce Development Offices throughout the State are equipped to assist Hoosier Veterans with their transition from the service to civilian life. The DVOPs specialize in tailored training and job placement opportunities for veterans with service-connected disabilities. LVERs coordinate services provided veterans including counseling, testing, and identifying training and employment opportunities. Contact the nearest Indiana Workforce Development Office and ask for the location of the closest veteran's representative.
Hoosier Golden Passport
A Hoosier Golden Passport provides unlimited admission to all Indiana State owned parks, recreation areas, reservoirs, forests, historic sites, museums, memorials and other Department of Natural Resource (DNR) facilities. The pass is good for one calendar year. Persons eligible for a Disabled American Veteran license plate under IC 9-18-18-1 may purchase the Hoosier Golden Passport at DNR facilities around the State. If you have Disabled American Veteran plates on the vehicle simply drive to the gate and the attendant will sell you the Hoosier Golden Passport. If you do not have the plate but believe you are eligible you will be given a form to request the plate, which you must send to the Indiana Department of Veterans Affairs for verification. Former Prisoners of War will receive their Hoosier Golden Passport in the mail after their plates are issued. If you do not receive yours in a reasonable time, or have other plates on your vehicle but are entitled to POW plates, contact the Department of Natural Resources at 1-800-622-4931.
High School Diploma Program for WWI, WWII, Korea and Vietnam Veterans Veterans who served between: April 6, 1917 and November 11, 1918 (World War I) December 7, 1941 and December 31, 1946 (World War II) June 27, 1950 and Jan 31, 1955 (Korea) or Aug 5, 1964 and May 7, 1975 (Vietnam) may apply to the Indiana Department of Veterans' Affairs for issuance of an high school diploma. Veterans must have: Attended public or nonpublic high school in Indiana prior to military service been a student in good standing and not graduated or received a diploma because of leaving high school for military service and been honorably discharged from the armed forces of the United States.
Indiana Veterans Memorial Cemetery
The Indiana Veterans Memorial Cemetery opened for internments on December 1, 1999. The Cemetery is located adjacent to the Madison State Hospital and Clifty Falls State Park in Madison, Indiana. Any Hoosier veteran eligible to be buried in a national cemetery will be eligible for burial in the Cemetery. The spouse of an eligible veteran will also be eligible to be buried there. For an application for burial contact the Indiana Department of Veterans Affairs. To schedule an interment contact the Cemetery Superintendent at 1415 North Gate Road, Madison, IN 47250, 812-273-9220/FAX 812-273-9221. Ref: IC 10-5-25.
Burial allowances:
Each County Auditor is authorized to pay up to an amount not to exceed $100 for the burial of a veteran or the veteran's spouse, and to pay up to $100 for the setting of a federal headstone. Veterans must have received an honorable discharge, and an application must be filed with the county auditor in the county of residence. Ref: IC 10-5-3-1.
Motor Vehicle License Plates
Indiana currently has the following license plates available to eligible veterans:
Hoosier Veteran Plates:
Any resident of the State who was honorably separated from the active Armed Forces can purchase a Hoosier Veteran license plate. Simply take your DD-214 or your Discharge Certificate to your local BMV office and request the special plate. There is a $15 charge for the Hoosier Veteran plate.
Disabled Veteran Plates:
Disabled Veteran plates are the same as handicap plates in the State of Indiana. These are strictly limited to those individuals who have a serious mobility impairment due to a service-connected disability. Applications may be obtained from either the BMV or the Indiana Department of Veterans Affairs. The Indiana Department of Veterans Affairs must verify the veteran's eligibility. Ref: IC 9-18-18-1, IC 9-18-18-2.
Ex-Prisoner of War Plates:
The POW license plate is available to all ex-prisoners of war or to the surviving spouse of a deceased POW. Applications for these plates are available from the Indiana Department of Veterans Affairs. The Indiana Department of Veterans Affairs must verify the eligibility of the applicant. Ref: IC 9-18-17-1.
Purple Heart Plates:
Any Hoosier Veteran who has received the Purple Heart Medal is authorized to have these special license plates. Applications may be obtained at the BMV or from the Indiana Department of Veterans Affairs. The veteran must present official documentation of the award, and the Indiana Department of Veterans Affairs must verify the veteran's eligibility. Ref: IC 9-18-19-1, IC 9-18-19-2, IC 9-18-19-3.
Support Our Troops Plates
Effective January 1, 2007, this special plate with a yellow ribbon is now available for purchase by all Hoosiers, whether or not they are a veteran. Most of the proceeds from this plate will go into the Military Family Relief Fund.All plates may be purchased through the mail or at your local license branch. All plates except the Hoosier Veteran plate must be applied for through the Indiana Department of Veterans Affairs. The Hoosier Veteran plate does not require the completion of an application form, as do the other veteran plates.
Crime To Call Yourself A Veteran
Pretending to be a military veteran to obtain a discount or other benefit not only is considered wrong by most Americans, it also now is a crime in Indiana.
Republican Gov. Mike Pence signed into law Tuesday, March 22, 2016, House Enrolled Act 1179, sponsored by state Rep. Chuck Moseley, D-Portage, making "stolen valor" a misdemeanor crime punishable by a $5,000 fine or up to one year in jail.
Online State Benefits Portal
Indiana veterans, their families and those who serve veterans can now access an online interactive portal designed to assist with obtaining state benefits.
Military Family Relief Fund (MFRF)
Indiana offers veterans an opportunity to get help from the Military Family Relief Fund (MFRF) an emergency grant that may be used by families for needs such as food, housing, utilities, medical services, transportation and other essential family support expenses which have become difficult to afford. A grant up to $2,500 may be awarded.
Scholarships For Chidren of Veterans
The list of state-supported schools that offer scholarships to the children of veterans:
- Ball State
- Indiana State University
- Indiana University – Bloomington
- Indiana University East
- Indiana University Kokomo
- Indiana University South Bend
- Indiana University Southeast
- Purdue University West Lafayette
- Purdue University North West (Hammond)
- Purdue University North West (Westville)
- Purdue Global
- Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis
- Indiana University Purdue University Columbus
- Indiana University Fort Wayne
- Ivy Tech Community College (all campuses)
- University of Southern Indiana
- Vincennes University
- Western Governor’s University (WGU)
Military Family Relief Fund
The state of Indiana has loosened requirements for its Military Family Relief Fund (MFRF) in light of the statewide economic impact of the COVID-19 outbreak. Download application.
Veterans from the state of Indiana facing financial hardship can receive $300 - $500 for each child in their household to purchase school supplies and other education essentials.
To qualify, a veteran must have served in any branch of the U.S. military or National Guard and possess appropriate discharge paperwork.
New Veteran Hotline
Indiana will now have a new Hoosier Veteran Hotline available for military veterans to assist with patient advocacy needs. The new call line provides Hoosier Veterans clarity to help with concerns by connecting them with resources. The call line does not directly manage appointments, benefits, or crisis, but does serve as a resource for veterans to get questions answered. The One Indiana Call Line is 1-844-IND-VETS (1-844-463-8387).

No More State Tax On Retirement Income
Indiana veterans no longer have to pay state taxes on their military retirement income.
Governor Eric Holcomb signed House Bill 1010 into law August 5, 2019, making retired veterans exempt from state tax.
The new Bill also exempts spouses and survivors from paying income tax on their veteran benefits. It is hoped the exemption will keep more veterans in Indiana and lure them into Indiana from other states, namely, those states that require veterans to pay state tax on the retirement income.