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Surefire Way To Boost Your Disability Claim
April 7, 2018
One of the best ways for a veteran to boost their claim for any psychological condition or disability is to submit a Treatment Summary Letter (TSL) in support of their claim. The TSL is used often by savvy veterans who understand how to add additional credibility to their psychological issues. Using a TSL from a VA mental health professional adds supportive material for any veteran wanting to increase their compensation rating or secure a first time disability rating. TSL’s are typically used in support of a claim for such commonly seen conditions as PTSD, TBI, depression and anxiety.
Most TSL’s are written for veterans who use Vet Center services. The social workers and licensed professional counselors who work in Vet Centers are accustomed to writing TSL’s for their clients. Staff members at most Vet Center rarely mention the TSL, but, if a veteran were to ask about getting a TSL completed, most Vet Center staff will do it in a timely fashion.
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