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Veteran-Friendly Organizations

Emergency Dentists USA

9557 Eastview Rd.

Lincoln, NE  68505

Telephone: 877-507-0879


At Emergency Dentists USA, our team works to vet our potential partners so that you get the quality of care that you deserve.

Our partner dentists offer:


  • Reasonable Prices
  • High Quality Work History
  • Accredited Practitioners


Once our team is satisfied with the qualifications of the prospective dentist, we add them to our listing and begin recommending them to patience in their area over our helpline.











Dental care is extremely important for all people. However, as a veteran, it can be difficult to find that care. Dr. Greg Grillo served as a dental officer in the Navy and has an extensive amount of experience providing dental care to veterans. As a veteran himself, he’s committed to helping those who have served their country find the dental resources they need.


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