Those That
Disabled Veterans May Soon Be Allowed to Shop On Military Installations
July 5, 2018
For decades, veterans have been clamoring for the opportunity to shop on military installations, but, only to be rejected again, and again. Well, looks as if Congress may soon pass a Bill allowing disabled veterans, Purple Heart recipients, POWs and care givers to shop on stateside military installations.
According to correspondent Tom Philpott, Defense Department officials have told Congress they conditionally support opening on-base shopping to disabled veterans, Purple Heart recipients and caregivers of severely injured veterans.
Philpott said, “The initiative to allow more veterans access to military stores, which is gaining political steam, is found in the House-passed version of the fiscal 2019 defense authorization. Proponents argue it would reward with shopper discounts deserving veterans who live near military bases and also strengthen a beleaguered military resale system.”
Stipulations placed on the Bill would limit disabled veterans who carry a disability rating of 0% - 20%. A disability rating of 30% or more would allow a veteran access to military installations for the sole purpose of shopping at the commissary or BX/PX. An expansion to allow all disabled veterans with a disability rating onto military installations is under review.
The Purple Heart and Disabled Veterans Equal Access Act of 2018, that would allow access to base stores and other morale, welfare, and recreation facilities to any veteran with service-connected disabilities, Purple Heart and Medal of Honor recipients, former prisoners of war and veteran caregivers. Through a floor amendment that language was made part of the House version of the fiscal 2019 defense authorization bill (HR 5515).
Naturally, veterans would need a Veteran ID Card of some sort to gain access to military installations, and VA and Defense Department officials are in discussion about the notion of a very specific type of ID card for disabled veterans that would allow them access to military installations.
HR 5515 has gained a lot of steam and appears to be on its way to approval.
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Bernard Lizotte, 11/18/18
I am 30% and was told not until Jan 2020 can I go shop on base. I live 10 miles away and it would be a great savings for me and my family. My observation and question is a simple one. I have written to many people associated with this new law but to no avail. From all I have read the commissaries and PX are in dire need of our purchases (talked to people on the base) so they can retain our active service members with great deals and products. The two are falling way behind in all aspects. What is wrong with opening them up now since the law has been signed by president Trump? To vette a VA member is simply a matter of 1 second on a police site. There according to VA, 184000 VA members live very close to bases and could alleviate some of the problem immediately . 1.2 Billion lost last year and we could help lessen this problem now. From what I was told each commander is responsible for their commissaries and PX ,if so make a decision and help you and us now please.
Christopher Sager, 8/7/18
I can shop on the bases but because I'm rated 100%. But, the Red-Tape to get the On Base ID is like getting a "sit down with the Pope." We disabled service connected Veterans have our "VA Medical/Hospital Identification Cards. Won't that be good enough to shop on Bases??? These Congress people are members of the "DUH-DILL" "DU-DA" Club. If I have to get a new card, It should say, "Issued By The Swamp People." Whats Next???
Clair Shaffer, 7/13/18
It's long overdue.
Frank Douglas, 7/11/18
Disabled veterans have been ignored for decades and even during wartime. Veterans who are honorably separated should be able to use base facilities and shop on base. It helps the base and will show inclusiveness of those who have served especially those who volunteered. I will believe this when it happens but we have congresspersons who have never served and do not get the camaraderie of being in the military.
Andrew Carpenter, 7/10/18
It's long overdue. Might have helped better before all the base closures across the world! Travis AFB is all that's available in Nor Cal now a days, yet there is talk of closing the commissary.
Bobby Nolde, 7/9/18
All Honorable Discharge Veterans should be allowed to shop and use Base Facilities, PX etc.
James Viazanko, 7/9/18
It's a good thing and about time!
Aaron Jones, 7/9/18
I think all veterans should be allowed to shop at military bases.
Gordon Crane, 7/8/18
feel that all Veterans that were honorably discharged should be able to shop on base. We did serve our country.
Kevin Hammett, 7/8/18
I think all veterans that are honorable discharged should be allow to shop on any military installation in the world. We have served our country proudly and should not be discriminated against. 0-20% disabled to be included.
Ronnie Lloyd, 7/8/18
This will help a lot of Veterans.
Gordon Crane, 7/8/18
I think that all Veterans that have an honorable discharge should be able to shop on base also.
Shawn Williams, 7/8/18
They should have voted on this long ago. I hope it passes!
Gerald Smith, 7/7/18
Charles Durham, 7/7/18
Veterans with a 0-20 percent is discrimination, plan and simple.
Henry Williams, 7/7/18
I am a Vietnam vet, what took so long for the law to change just to shop on base.
Anthony Passaro, 7/7/18
Luis Santiago, 7/7/18
Its about time ,they allow disabled veterans acess to commissary and px or bx to shop i hope they pass this bill.
Keith Green, 7/7/18
It's well overdue.