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Compensation Tips
TIP: I arrived in Korea November 1971. The U.S. Government recently stopped spraying Agent Orange (TCDD) on the DMZ in August 1971. The gap was the reason the VA turn me down 3 times for a disability resulting from exposure to Agent Orange. A friend found a Special Report from Dow Chemical at a clean-up site. They found soil contamination 20 years later. Using this Special Report as evidence of my own exposure to Agent Orange, I was finally given 30% compensation on my 4th try. The paper is titled: The Dow Chemical Company Interim Response Activity Designed to Meet Criteria - March 2012. I hope the Special Report is useful for veterans needing to prove exposure to Agent Orange.
TIP: Use the Notice of Disagreement (NOD) form to indicate to your Regional Office (RO) that you disagree with a decision you received regarding your claim for disability compensation. Examples of these decisions may include entitlement to service connection, percentage of evaluation assigned, and effective date among other things.
Should I fill out this form?
Only fill out this from if you disagree with a decision issued by your RO. This includes an initial decision, a decision for an increased rating, or any other decision you disagree with.
Where can I get help?
You can ask the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to help you fill out the form by contacting your local VA. Before you contact the VA, please make sure you gather the necessary information and materials, and complete as much of the form as you can.
What should I do when I have finished my NOD?
You should provide your signature in the block provided at the bottom of the second page. Be sure to sign every form you fill out before you send it to us. If you don't sign the form, VA will return it for you to sign, and it will take a longer process.
Attach any materials that support and explain your NOD.
Mail or take your NOD to the RO that issued the decision or notification that you disagree with, which is the Agency of Original Jurisdiction (AOJ.)
Do I need to keep a copy of this NOD form?
It is important that you keep a copy of all completed forms and materials you give to VA.
TIP: When you attend a comp & pen examination it is important to record what transpired during the examination as best you can recall. Why wait to until you get home to write down in your notepad or journal what happened during the examination? Use you smartphone and to record information as it is happening or immediately after the exam. Most smart phones have a notepad ap where you can record all information right away while it is still fresh in your memory. If the notepad is not your cup of tea, no worries. Send a friend of loved one text messages of what is going on during your examination. In using your text message feature, you’ll have two recordings of your data; the one you sent, and the one who received your text. Send short bullets about everything the doctor does and says to you about the examination. Permanently record the information later in your journal or notepad.
Also, you can use a small audio recorder. Most smart phones have an audio recorder. Use that feature to record everything that happens during your examination. Your smart phone will store the information and you can retrieve it later.
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