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App Helps Veterans Find Benefits
July 14, 2018
Initially released to the public May 22, 2017, the National Veterans Legal Services Program (NVLSP) app is a program designed to help identify benefits for veterans they may qualify for based on an algorithm that connects symptoms to benefits.
Recently updated, NVLSP recently launched the first of its kind application for use by veterans and their advocates, and available for download through the NVLSP website, Apple App Store or Google Play Store. The app if free to download.
The NVLSP VA Benefit Identifier helps veterans, with or without the assistance of a veteran’s service officer, determine specific VA benefits to which they are likely entitled.
The app directs users to a logic-based questionnaire that assists in verifying whether a veteran should file a claim for service-connected disability benefits or nonservice-connected disability pension. The survey addresses all possible disabilities covered by VA regulations.
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Arthur Peters, 7/15/18
Have been turned down for ataxia caused by agent Orange.