Those That
Questions & Answers
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Q50: In 2013 I was granted 50% for PTSD. I claimed headaches too, but it was not recognized. In 2018 I was granted to 70% for neurological headaches to PTSD, but was recognized from 2017 June due to DBQ form for PTSD Review, DBQ-recent released-upgraded form. Question: Is this ok to only recognize back to 2017 DBQ and not to the original file claim date of 2013?

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A1: If you can show VA made a mistake in the effective date of your headaches than you may have a case. You may want to go back to the doctor and ask if he/she would submit a statement supporting your claim that "more than likely" or "as likely as not" you had these headaches in 2013 when you originally filed. (LG) 2/28/20
A2: If you had continuous persecuted your claim without a year's break than your effective date would be 2013, but if you went over a year without doing something on your claim than the most recent date of claim is what the VA uses. So that makes a big difference in the effective date. (GR) 6/8/21